Direct Investment Resources
Trusted Advisor to Family Offices
Direct Investment Resources gives its clients an edge when making direct investments.
Outsourced Expertise for
> Direct Investments
> Co-Investments
> Optimizing existing private portfolios

With Rigor and Discipline, Direct Investing Can Produce Powerful Returns
o Capitalize on domain expertise and deal flow
o Enjoy more control and visibility
o Lower blended fees for the asset class
o Lean in to high-conviction investments
o Enter and exit when timing is optimal
"Direct Investment Resources has been an indispensable partner as we tackle the exciting but challenging world of direct investments.
Randy is conversant with emerging technologies and his knowledge of the intricacies of venture investing is comprehensive. From deal structure to exit, he's been an invaluable resource.
We wouldn't do a direct deal or co-invest without DIR."
-- Principal, Single Family Office
Best Practices
DIR employs methodical best practices for its clients, from initial consideration through liquidity, and in the context of a partner’s overall goals for the asset class.
Discerning, Not Promoting
DIR can help sort the wheat from the chaff, swatting away lesser opportunities and looking for those that are compelling and a good fit with the family office partner’s goals for the asset class.
Focused on Returns
DIR is primarily compensated through a profits interest in the return generated, so we win when our clients win. DIR’s motivation, then, is to discern which opportunities are most likely to produce powerful returns and develop them from first evaluation to successful exit.
DIR does not take a management fee. Diligence and deal fees are handled on a retainer or day-rate basis per client preference. Nearly all of DIR's compensation, however, comes from its share of the profit generated, so its interests align with its partners.
Trusted Partner
Many family offices have more opportunities for direct investments than they have in-house capabilities. DIR can fill that gap with decades of institutional venture investing experience. With DIR, you access what you need -- without committing to an in-house capability.
Direct Investment Resources helps
sort wheat from chaff
perform rigorous diligence
structure deals, plan for reserves
serve on boards
take deals all the way to liquidity
... and it does so within the context of a family’s investment goals for the asset class.
DIR can also help work out or rationalize existing portfolios